INFORMATICA (ISSN: 0868-4952) is a pioneer peer reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal published by institute of INFORMATICS in VILNIUS, LITHUANIA. The Journal publishes 4 issues per year in 12 parts. Monthly accepted papers are published online prior to the journal hard copies. Informatica publishes original papers, research notes and reviews in English. The journal scope covers all aspects of theoretical and life sciences in addition to engineering and interdisciplinary topics. Top ranked peer reviewed accepted papers in the field of Mathematics and informatics are sponsored by the institute to be included free of charge. Papers are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. Upon preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, the papers are sent to two referees (experts in respective fields) for evaluation. The decision of the editorial to publish a paper is considered final. Authors are responsible for the originality and the copyright of all contents submitted.